Friday, January 2, 2015

Predictions for the New Year

Well here we are, 2015, some of us are quite functional, others are well hungover or in fact still drinking.  Whichever it is, Happy New Year.  I never make resolutions, cause they are fucking bullshit anyway.  I thought I would do some predictions here, some in jest, some a bit more serious.

First off, I think you will see one hell of a year for celebrities.  Last year celebrities kept stepping in the shit on social media, stirring up the pot, to the point even a few of them got in fights over not responding to things or pointing things out about incidents.  I am hoping this is the year people will stand up and tell these fucktards to just shut the fuck up.  The message from the common man is often lost because of a few celebrity fucktards.  I grow weary of the media just putting out celebrity input and ignoring what the regular man has to say.  I highly doubt this is going to change, but we can only hope, but in the least, perhaps it will give me some really good fodder to have fun with.

Led Zeppelin - will there ever be another tour?  I doubt it, the inertia for that died not long after the O2 arena concert in 2007 I guess it was.  So people, just move on and find all the bootlegs you can and enjoy them in their heyday.

Pink Floyd - another group with rumours floating around that they will tour again.  Not likely, even Nick Mason has given up on trying to get Grandpa Gilmour out on tour now doing Floyd.  My guess is that last album, more a tribute to Rick Wright, is indeed it.  It is a good way to go out though.

The Who - well is it really their last farewell tour?  I mean this is the group that has made a business with farewell tours.  Yeah they're getting up there, but more and more rock stars are going to the day they die.

Keith Richards - well as someone said about the famous man, he's already dead, his body just doesn't know it yet, enough said.

Politically speaking, I this could be the year Canadians rise up and get rid of one of the most corrupt governments we have ever seen:  The Wynnie the shithead government.  This government has been caught in so many lies and has been investigated so much by the OPP that there is no way they should be able to continue.  Hell they called an election to shut down an investigation and a certain section of Ontario still elected these crooked assholes.

Social media seems to be always at the forefront of things, and even at the end of 2014, there almost seems to be a bit of a hit back against social media because of what is going on:  the quick scandals, people finding stuff out about others they didn't know.  I think, or rather hope that social media will become less important, but I doubt it.  I can certainly say growing up in an age where social media was non-existent,  we would be much better off without it.  It is bad enough when most news sites just act as an extension of social media that I swear people are making shit up just to create a way (Sarah Palin in particular right now).  Now if it could only be effective in making book sales. 

The world in general will no doubt remain at the same level, or escalate to higher levels, the amount of war that is going on.  As long as man is on this planet, there will be war.  People who go out and  have protests will increase no doubt, but they won't do any good.  No one is listening to you much like in the wars of the past.  You are the little man/woman and until you go to war against those going to war, you aren't going to get anywhere and it kind of defeats the purpose doesn't.  Only those with big sticks really get heard these days.

At the end of the day, I think 2015 will simply be 2015.  Why expect anything else?

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