Monday, January 26, 2015


Alright, we know the propensity for people in the US to sue over dumb things (yes we  all remember the hot coffee incident with McDonald's coffee in the woman's lap, a law suit that should've never reached the courts).  Now we see even more the whole attitude of entitlement and how far people really are willing to not take responsibility for themselves. 

Here is a link to the story: Source CNN

It is my understanding that universities are supposed to be for education, but here we have former students who claim they got no education because they were athletes and basically they claim they were misled.  Well, it seems some lawyer has decided to represent two students who say that they were promised an education and didn't get one.  Hmmm, didn't get one in good part because of these so-called paper classes that have been shown to be fronts for cheating to ensure that athletes can maintain grades in their courses and be eligible to play their sport. 

I think this is a very multi-sided issue, with of course, the first question being, why are you now bringing a lawsuit forward after you gradate?  How in the hell is it you took classes without realizing that you weren't learning in the first place?  That in of itself sits solely on the shoulders of these two athletes and others. 

That is where I would start, but also I will point out the university is to blame as well.  I see it with programs designed to get into med school, where the students that don't make it into med school, and simply have a useless degree when they graduate.  Some colleges do have a disclaimer that says quite boldly: have other plans, you are likely not getting in.  But many will not give a shit about any athlete that doesn't end up in the professional level of sports, and well that is unfortunate.  They are essentially swept away and forgotten quite readily (kind of reminds me of Al Bundy). 

Where also are the parents who are supposed to parent their kids, guiding them through life with both their successes and failures (oh wait, we're not allowed to fail children anymore, apparently it harms them too much....grrrrr).  Why are the parents not stressing that education is more important than chasing some under inflated ball across 300 feet of perfectly good lawn that could be used for something more useful, like growing food.  But honestly, why are the parents not being sued for lacking to ensure that their children are getting a good education?  Hmmm, guess it is more important for your kids to concentrate on sports than an actual education, and why not, you can sue after if you don't make into the majors.

But at the end of the day, I hate to say it, these athletes were scammed, not only by the university and the NCAA, but by their parents, who lied to them and told them they were good enough to make it to the professional leagues.  So why aren't the kids suing their parents too?  Let's not forget that the university should counter sue the athletes for misrepresenting themselves in their talent.  They said they were good enough, or somehow managed to make it through the tryouts, only to fail at gaining a place in the professional leagues.  And let's also not forget that ever loving lawyer who managed to win a lawsuit for athletes, deciding for the most part to push even further because they managed to get students paid some money for their images being used (this lawsuit had a bit more merit, I will admit), but I think they need to be reprimanded for essentially wasting the courts' time.  If you are unsure you are getting a good education while doing your studies, perhaps you don't belong there.  It is time for people to take responsibility for their own actions and stop this useless circle of suing other people for what in the end is your own making. 

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