
In the second installment of the Triumvirate Chronicles, 
Lieutenant Fleets Admiral William Savage has vanquished 
the Hegemony from the Lonsation Colonies with his victory
 at Lonsatia Prime. He returns home with the remainder of
 his fleet to the Territories of the Twenty and to his shock,
 he discovers that Supreme Commander Canes, the new 
Hegemony Commander in the galaxy, has done what no
 other Hegemony Commander has ever succeeded in doing: 
 the conquest of Veloxora and the capture of both the
 Council of Twenty and the High Commanders.
 Unbeknownst to Savage as he travels to Veloxora in an 
attempt to free the captured fleet, Canes is none other than
 the legendary John Zabin, one of the original Guardians 
exiled millennia ago for crimes against humanity.  Canes is
 out for revenge and will do anything to stop Savage and
 any other immortals that get in his way of his dream of
 galactic conquest.  To make matters worse, the legendary
 enemies of the Guardians, the Blood Knights, have allied 
themselves with Canes, re-sparking the old feud between
 the factions.  With the escalating war, the chair of the Council of Elders, Grand Master West, has
 sent Master Hogan with his apprentices to team up with none other than Jeb Dogonabar, who
 is currently at Veloxora, on his way back from a top secret mission.  Unbeknownst to any of
 them, an ancient Guardian by the name of Roloxus Dranlox has been released from his prison
 on Rolus IV and is out for vengeance against all immortals, especially those that killed his 
family fifteen thousand years ago. Savage, still suffering from Thadon radiation poisoning 
contracted while in the Lonsation colonies, is dying a slow death, and is now facing his mortality.
Can he succeed at freeing the fleet at Veloxora and free the Territories of the Twenty?  Or will
 he die in his attempt to conquer the darkness that now holds the galaxy in its grip?

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