Snow, we has a shit ton of snow. It was common that come January or February, we would have snow that was up to the telephone wires, a good 20 feet or so, stacked up along side the road as sniw banks. Not to mention that the temperature often reached around -17 deg C or lower (we measured in deg F back then) and we bundled up really good. Making snow forts was no problem, all you needed was a good shovel. Yup, no building walls up.
School, we had the strap if you were a bad little motherfucker. Yes, we had whatever the hell punishment that fell under. And it was a deterrent let me tell you. Hell, watching your grade 7 teacher throw people into the wall and smashing their heads together kept us in line, not to mention the deafening yelling that went with it. We failed things, something that taught us we had to get our shit together and we were allowed to fail, hell they took pleasure in it, right on up until the point you showed up in their class next year (happened to a few friends of mine).
On the playground we were allowed to play full contact foot ball, red rover, whatever the hell we wanted until we drew blood, then it became a true sport. Nothing was too far unless it was a fist fight, which was rare cause of the strap.
Lawn darts, that was a big one we played after school and on weekends, and not the shitty ones we have now. No, my lawn darts were weighted darts with very sharp points. The best part of them, is they were weapons, and it separated out the dumb ones from the smart ones very quickly. Yeah it just did, did it well enough that it is now banned.
The final thing is that we had no political correctness. None at all. No one at that time really gave a flying fuck what you said. It was simply just said. You went about your business and no one said a word. And for that matter, it was Merry Christmas and not Happy Holidays.
Well that being said, I will leave you this little bit about Christmas, via our friends Matt Parker and Trey Stone:
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