Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The introspective on my writing....in time for the sale!!!

Well as it is Christmas, if you are wanting to get that really happy person, who is so fucking happy you want to just smack that smile from their face, then may I suggest my dark writings.  Here is the introspective about the Triumvirate Chronicles:

So just what is this book series about???  Well it is best said that it is the end of the story.  I know that kind of sounds like the first 3 Star Wars movies where Lucas gave us the end and had us wondering for close to 20 years what happened to turn Anakin Skywalker into Darth Vader and why were the Jedi killed?

Well with respect to this book series, I started at the end because it was where it brought all the key characters together.  And it really wasn't until I was part way through writing that I realized it was the culmination of many stories from the past.

The Triumvirate Chronicles starts during a war that has been ongoing for just over a century.  The Hegemony are invaders from another galaxy who are being manipulated by ancient immortals that were exiled from our galaxy 70 000 years ago.  Standing in their way in one small part of our galaxy is the Territories of the Twenty, an alliance of several worlds, that despite their inferior technology, has survived, in good part because of another immortal, William Savage, who commands part of the their fleet. 

The galaxy portrayed throughout the Triumvirate Chronicles is that of a gritty human dominated one where at the foundation laid for a larger alliance against in the galaxy to stand up to the Hegemony.  But unlike Anthology of the Guardians, the answer to why is this galaxy dominated by humans is not entirely clear, and it isn't until later in the series that the genocide brought down by the immortals against non-humans in the galaxy is truly revealed in not only its true extent, but also the abuses by the immortals sworn to uphold justice.

This series examines through the eyes of many of the immortals the age old question:  does absolute power corrupt absolutely?  There is no true black and white answer for this, but certainly many of the immortals over their long lifetimes all fall from grace at one point or another, and through abuse of their powers, the effects are far flung.  Often there is nothing more separating the  good guys from the bad guys other than their uniforms.  Where many works of fiction would take immortals and imbue them with a god-like essence that they can do no wrong, other than maybe suffer some arrogance, I let my immortals keep their human failings and show how they deal with it. 

Overall I have tried to succeed in writing something a bit different, something more realistic not only in the science behind things, but also in attitudes and perhaps in all this, capture the danger of absolute power given to wrong people even though they may fight on the side of the good guys (and of course that in itself is all subjective). At the same time, in writing the end, it made it much easier to go back and write how this ending all came about.  So I hope that you the reader will take a chance to hop aboard this train shall we say, and see where it goes.

On sale now at my Digital Store or at Lulu!!

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