I don't mind that people here from North America are going over to the infected countries to help them, but why in the fuck are getting round trip tickets? How fucking stupid are our governments? Quite honestly, the thing to do is give these people a one way ticket, and when they want to return, 30 days in quarantine over there where they are before they are allowed to even apply for a plane ticket home. It is not even a 101 university course that with diseases like this, you have a quarantine on the way out in that area, not half way around the world, where in between you can expose a plane load of people to this infectious disease, and so starts the spread of a disease. Think about a plane load of people, say 300, each comes into contact with 5 people while in the airport, then say each of those people come into another 5 people each, it doesn't take long to have this one plane load of people directly and indirectly in contact with thousands of people and in theory spread the disease. It even gets worse when an illegal immigrant gets exposed and cannot be tracked. Try playing the Plague game people.
But the stupidity doesn't end here. People are coming back from treating patients with Ebola to the US and they aren't even being put in quarantine for the most part. The guy who died down in Dallas and the debacle that has gone on with that, could've all been avoided if he was quarantined over in Africa. But even if people were quarantined in the US upon coming back, it doesn't mean that it will help. The case of the newscaster in point, who broke quarantine to go get a bowl of soup. I can tell you, if I was watching that quarantine, a bullet to the head would've been the solution. Just how fucking stupid is this woman? It's not so bad if she only put herself at risk, but she put others at risk. I hope there is a lawsuit out of this, given how everyone in the US wants to sue everyone else for something. The one that takes the cake is the so-called doctor in New York who came back from treating patients, and while not feeling well, was out partying, which included bowling. It is then discovered he is infected. A quarantine would've caught this asshole, who by the way, should have his fucking license pulled if he even survives. Of all the people who should know better, a physician worth his weight in salt, would've checked himself into a quarantine the moment he felt unwell in anyway. This asshole, once again, needs his fucking license pulled and he should never be allowed to practice again.
As of the writing of this piece, it is now being reported that some US states are going to quarantine health care workers coming back. I am afraid it is too little too late and in the wrong place. Ebola now has a foothold in the US, and unless Obama has the balls to step up and say fuck you to the politics and does what is right, the epidemic has already started and will not be contained and it is only a matter of time before it is out of hand and we, as Canadians, have to start shooting people at the border.
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That's right I am coming for you, or my mutation will.... |
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