I am not here to beat down Robin's choice of how he dealt with his issues, it worked for him and solved his problems (cold but true), and I can only hope he is at peace right now (there are a few religions who will say otherwise, but fuck them all). But why is it that it always takes a celebrity death to bring any kind of attention to things that all of us suffer from? There are many people who suffer from depression and cutting and so on, where is their fucking attention? These are the everyday people that get lost, and sometimes are so lost they end up on the street because no one took the time to say hey. It is like that woman in Oakville who got a water bill for 3 weeks’ worth of running water at her father's house. He passed away and it took her 3 weeks to ask the question, I wonder why I haven't heard from Dad. He obviously mattered little to her until she had to pay for 3 weeks of water going down the drain, and instead of being just accepting it, was going around saying can I not pay this cause my Dad died? Look around you, you can bet at least 50% of the people around you have suffered from depression or currently are suffering from depression, and all the attention on Robin Williams just takes away from their struggles. These are the people that need help, not Robin Williams.
Drug addiction is another one that gets buried out there, and ignored. First it was John Belushi, then it was River Phoenix and this past year it was Philip Seymour Hoffman. C'mon people, drug addiction in one form or another has been around since man has been around, but once again, for the most part it is that dirty little secret that people hide, rather than try to help those people around you, you dump them as your friend and just don't give a shit. God forbid your favorite actor/actress actually has a problem and you would more than give your last cent to them to help them, but your best friend? You are like what best friend?
The point I am trying to get across is that celebrities are just regular old people, and it is all of you out there who make a big to do about something that if it was someone in your office or one of your friends, that you would do your best to ignore and write them out of your life, but you sure as hell don't write that celebrity out of your life.
There are many diseases that are out there that do not get proper recognition because there is no celebrity that has it or has acknowledged it. MS is one, Prader Willy syndrome is another, then Angelman's syndrome to name a few, and let's add Huntington's disease to that list. It is time to take attention away from these celebrities and apply it to the people around you, the people who need you.
Maybe take the 30 seconds you need to speed dial your friend who lives at the liquor store, or is on the street going after smack all the time while you are at it. Or perhaps go see that someone in who used to be in your life that is now dying of cancer. They are the ones that you can help, even if it is just listening to them, not some celebrity, who for the most part would never give you the time of day. And by refusing to give the hits to the media websites, you can teach media a lesson about invading the private lives of some of these people that we enjoy that are in the lime light. It is time to stop this media sensationalism.
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