Friday, September 26, 2014

So What's Next???

 So, now that Conquest is on the verge of being out there, what comes next?  I have to date managed to get out 2 novels and 1 novella, with a rather large novella planned to come out before we ring in the New Year.  4 pieces in one year.  Hell of an accomplishment.  As I have been editing for quite some time lately, it is natural that ideas have popped into my head on where to go next, and I thought I would give a bit of a summary of some of the projects I am actually doing writing on, or even one that I am editing with the hope that it will be the first release in 2015.
First up, of course, is Book III, with a working title of Liberation.  I had originally given this the title of Triumvirate, but I came down to it and said what the hell, try for a different name.  Just to put it out there, the Triumvirate Chronicles books all have one word titles, it is a theme I decided on years ago and have stuck to it.  Liberation picks up pretty close to where I left Conquest off, oh that bloody cliffhanger.  But in this book, I reveal a little bit more about the past history of the immortals, but also that there are still some ancient civilizations around.  There are hints about something even bigger going on in the galaxy, but I won’t say much.  Liberation will resolve a lot things, while setting up for the events in the next 2 books, which are connected.
Another piece I am trying to get out this year is Huntercats.  It continues the story of what happened in Genesis, and is really a story that tells of the culture of the Huntercats.  For this I had to do a lot of serious society and world building, but out of it came a sense of just what these creatures truly are.  The rather large novella is split into 4 stories, the first one entitled Preacher, the second Turtron, the third Vruta and the final one, working title only is Reprisal.  Reprisal is an interesting one as it brings all the players from the first three parts together at an event that is the most important event in the Huntercat’s society.  I hope to set up a few more novellas like this on some of the other species.  It is also in this story that we see the origin of a third faction of immortals not yet introduced in the Triumvirate Chronicles called the Daughters of Light.  And you know me, there will be a dark spin on these ladies.
As some of my works are done with a co-author, especially in the Anthology series, my co-author one day a few years ago dropped a story in my lap that for many reasons, remained unread until earlier this year.  And when I read it, I re-read it once again and the fire of the writer was ignited.  4 weeks later, I had taken a story that was essentially a novella, and turned it into a full length novel.  Saba’tah of the Endless Winds is a coming of age story to a large part, but with a twist in that it is a five hundred year old immortal finally taken from his Master (Remi from Genesis), allowed to experience a new world and then returns to save his Master from the clutches of a very dominant sword that is controlling him.  It is in this book that a true look at the swords of power, which play a part in the Triumvirate Chronicles, are revealed.  They are Solon (earth), Pratha(fire), Saba’tah(wind) and Excalibur(water).  We also see more of this mysterious dude called Beau Lennox.
Ahhh Beau Lennox is the subject of a series that I started awhile back in an attempt to write in a different genre.  The story is set on Earth in the 25th century.  Earth, ravaged by a space battle, is still recovering and most of its populace lives in farming communities.  The story is split into two stories which tell of the two quests of Beau Lennox to retrieve kidnapped people from the clutches of the mysterious raiders.  The story takes place through time, with Uluru, playing a central theme in that it is Grand Central Station for portals that take them through time in an effort to track down where the Raiders are.  It leads up to a surprise ending, which answers the question of who this man is that keeps appearing in many of my stories.  This one I don’t expect to be released for quite some time.
Another book in the works that I have started writing, and will probably work on during Nanowrimo, is called Shadow Assassins.  Currently the plan is to have a 3 part story, one part taking place in the Anthology of the Guardians Era, the second during the Grand Imperial Era, while the third, in the space of time between Desperation and Conquest.  The gist of the story is this:  assassins that use DNA to track down their targets are released on the galaxy as means to kill those that defy the group that wants to take over the galaxy.  In the Anthology part, an immortal called Kylara, is key in stopping the assassins, which go around in groups of 6.  In the second installment, we see Kylara and a mortal William Dabar, both special assassins for the Emperor, take them on, while in the third one, William Savage and another immortal must track them down and kill them, to prevent them from taking out the Territories’ government.
Now I have two works on the plotting board, the first one is called Thadon, the story of the first of the immortals to die.  It is set out in about a 12 or 13 part story as seen from the point of view of many of the immortals.  It is going to be quite complex in its story.
The second one on the board is called Genesis II, a direct sequel to Genesis in that it tells the story of the second group transformed, as well as the origins of both the Acronian star system and the long lives of the people there.
Well this sums up what I have on the go, other than a few other top secret project currently archived until I get the 8 book series the Triumvirate Chronicles all released.

Yes I love fucking with people's minds when it comes to including Earth in my writing.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Yes Virginia, There is a Sequel - The Fanny Faerie!!

Well just when you thought you got some relief, here is a sequel to the Toilet Gnome (if you haven't read this yet, please do, it will make this one all the much better) written a long time ago as well.  Let's just say, it is what it is, que serra serra, whatever will be will be.  Oh yeah, get ur minds in the gutter.

Dear Mom: I have checked far and wide, but I am sorry to say that the Toilet Gnomes have all been taken off the market since their unionization.  It was real tough around here for awhile, but now we have 2 new products that I will send you if you wish.  I have enclosed the ads here:

Do you have a hairy ass?  Do you go through tonnes of buttwipe with no end in site?  Are you tired of shaving?  If you answer yes to any one of these questions, then you need the ‘Fannie Faerie’ This marvelous little helper is guaranteed to leave your ass cleaner than when you sat down, with a minty freshness that can’t be beat

Now, for a limited time only, receive for free, the ‘Pussy Pixie’ This little gem is guaranteed to lick your pussy clean in orgasmic pleasure.  Not only will you save on buttwipe, but you will also leave with a smile on your face

By the way Mom, those pics of Suzy with my sister and her giant dildo were great.  Please send more, they love them around the office.

Your ever loving son.             

Dear son,

Please do send these 2 new products along. Your father is costing us a bundle in ass wipe and its starting to cut into my cigarette and gin budget.  And no matter how hard he cleans, your father just cannot get himself clean.  As well, enclosed in here are more pics of Suzy with your sister.  I’ll leave it at that son, as I want you to be surprised.

Love   Mom   

Dear Mom,

Thank you ever so much for the pics.  Wow is sis looking hot these days, I guess the boob job did pay off afterall.  And she looks so at home with Suzy.  I have, as you requested, sent the pussy pixie and fannie faerie to you via express post.  Please, please make sure that when you receive them, you knock on the box, as when I had sent them off, the box was a rocking and they didn’t want to be disturbed.  I did get a lot of strange looks from the post office people.  I am going to suggest to the company they send them in separate packages in the future.  Take care.

Your loving son.

Dear Son,

We received your parcel today and as you suggested, we knocked on the box.  It took about half an hour, but the faerie and pixie finally came out.  Your father was so happy to see what they looked like, that he had to go use the toilet.  Well, the faerie followed along without question.  It concerned me at first when I heard moans coming from the bathroom (I honestly haven’t heard your father moan like that in years) but it seems he got caught up on the rim somehow.  Any way to make it short, your father really liked the fannie faerie, and true to the ad, he had a minty fresh ass. 

Your sis said thanks for the compliments, and she has enclosed a few new pics for you of her and Suzy, and a video of both the pussy pixie and fannie faerie in action.    I hope you will enjoy.

Love Mom 

Dear Mom,

I am glad that dad likes the fannie faerie.  I forgot to tell you that they come in both sexes, but I see I rightfully assumed that he would enjoy the female better.  But if you want a male, let me know.  How is the pixie working out?  We’ve had a large demand for them that they are going to become a regular product for us to sell.  Seems a lot of women are really going wild for it, especially for the female version.  We are getting lots of calls from women with deep voices asking for it.  It just boggles the mind.

I showed the company president the pussy pixie and fannie faerie in action with Suzy.  They were really delighted Mom, they couldn’t believe how good a job they did, but they were a little concerned with the moaning Suzy was making.  They were afraid that the faerie and pixie were tickling her a bit much.  They also want to stress that it is not good to relieve yourself and moan at the same time with the pixie as it may frighten her.  Please make sure to warn Suzy.  The warranty on the pixie does not cover water damage.

Your loving son.

Dear Son,

This is your father writing.  I no longer have control of the bathroom.  Your mother is in there all the time.  Seems she has contracted some woman’s problem and keeps going on about some damned thing to do with bread.  Well she sent the pussie pixie in and she’s hardly been out of the can since.  All I keep hearing is ‘yes, yes, yes’.  What the hell is the pixie doing? Playing twenty questions.  It wasn’t all that bad until your mom started screaming it.  My god I ain’t heard nothing like that since Niagara Falls on our honeymoon.  So its left me with sharing the sandbox with the cat.  The cat doesn’t seem to mind so much as the fannie faerie does a good clean up job of both my and the cat’s ass.  I ain’t seen that cat so affectionate for ages.  Well son, I ain’t much for writing letters, so I’ll sign off. 


Dear Son,

Your father said he sent a letter off to you yesterday.  I missed putting in a few questions for you.  One, can you send new suits for the pixie?  The current suit smells really bad and I can’t get it clean no matter what.  Second of all, can you send anymore pixies to us?

Oh almost forgot son, Suzy isn’t around anymore son.  Both her and your sister got jobs doing films.  Its kind of strange though son, they rehearsed their scenes here the other day and had their clothes off.  Please find enclosed some pics.

Love Mom.

Dear Mom,

Once again great products are being taken off the shelves.  The video of Suzy with the pixie and faerie was shown to the big wigs here at the company.  They got so excited and red faced that they declared they must be removed from the shelves immediately.  They kept on going about this company being a family business for families.  I stressed to them that my family had lots of fun with all their latest products.  They said something like we need to be shrunk (god knows why we need to be smaller) and asked me to not come to work tomorrow, or the next day.  Its nice to have a few days off.  Well mom, tell sis and Suzy their acting is great, especially the vocalizations.  I look forward to your next letter.

Your loving son.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

A Q and A with Alex Dundass - Part 2

1. So what are you favorite TV shows?

Of late I have been straying back to my childhood, watching shows like the Six Million Dollar Man, A-Team, Hawaii Five-O (the original, with the hair co-starring), the Incredible Hulk.  All of these shows have solid writing and as such, are better than most of the crap in the last 20 years (Warehouse 13, Farscape and Stargate are of course exceptions).  I do look forward to Big Bang Theory, but not as much as I used to do.  I sure those kinds of people exist out there, but I have never encountered any in the faculty that I deal with.  Throw in documentaries on various subjects, like ancient civilizations, ancient mysteries, Border Security (both Canadian and Australian versions) and Alaska State Troopers.

2. So Conquest is coming out this month, what do you want to say about it?

About damned time it is coming out.  I only wrote it 16 years ago.  But in looking overall at the book, it is dark in different ways from Desperation, more sword fights that are quite vicious, the real antagonists come onto the scene, death of a few characters, less swearing I believe (I haven't actually checked), a battle sequence seen from the cockpit of a one man fighter.

3.  Who dies?

Go read the book.

4.  Any comments from people about those two scenes in Desperation, you know, the ones that have the sexual torture?

I had one fan at FanExpo loving it, and well I had a few people I know sent me gift certificates for shrinks.  What can I say, I am getting the impression that many people are tired of this feel good shit stories, even if BBC says otherwise in an article calling for feel good sci-fi.

5.  Have we seen the end of Lons and Skardo?

From the end of Desperation onwards, you wait and see.  For past stories, no.  There is a history there and while at FanExpo I plotted out the first full Anthology of the Guardians novel describing the death of the first immortal.  His name was Thadon.  Go make the connection to the Triumvirate Chronicles.

6.  Genesis has aliens in it, why does the Triumvirate Chronicles only have humans?

Didn't you ask this once before?  That question will be answered in Book IV, so be patient.  It will be released later next year, after Book III of course, unless I decide to do something weird and release Book IV before Book III (before I release Conquest I just might change the name of the book).

7.  Yes about that, you had said there was going to be a novella released before Book II.  Why did you change your mind?

I still have the same mind, believe it or not.  No, I looked at things and decided it was best to say no to a novella in the Triumvirate Chronicles (it is bad enough I have a novel started between Desperation and Conquest, but only part of it is within the Triumvirate Chronicles, the plan is one part in the Anthology of the Guardians, and the other part in the as of yet unnamed series set in the Galactic Empire (well I have about 3 series there I am playing with alone).  But it simply came down to what was the novella, was originally part of the second book, so I put it back in, and chose a spot in Book II to cut it.  As it is, in pocket book format, it is not allowed to make a book over 760 pages on Lulu, and well it works well for me to do this.  Besides, I need to win people over, and to do that, I need to show I am in it for the long haul, and have a good pace on getting the books out.

8.  Anymore stuff coming out this year?  Conquest makes 3 items so far.

If all goes well, another installment in the Anthology of the Guardians series is coming out, called Huntercats.  It is a 4 part story focusing on the Pruchocks introduced in Genesis.  There will be other stories on the other aliens yet, just be patient.  If everything lines up right, it will be available this year.

9.  Why September 30th for Conquest?

Random date, and it so happens it is 2 days after the Vocamus Book Bash that I will be at (Sep 28 2014 at the EBar in Guelph).  There is a really good chance I will have Conquest available at that appearance, and of course anyone that knows me in real life, can probably, for an alcoholic donation, get an advance copy of the book.  I will have the Prologue and Chapter 1 available this week off of my website, but the dedication is a bit of a secret.

Ok all, that is it for Part 2, we will do a Part 3 yet, in time.

Hmmm and what do you see here??