Monday, July 21, 2014

ConBravo - Part 2 - The Holy Grail...err I am really there, here are the goods.

Well, ConBravo 2014 was my first convention ever, as an attendee and a vendor.  Man I had culture shock the first night, I know people dress up in costume and all that, but to see it unfold in front of my eyes, well, that was a different story.  I hope it has prepared me even just a little bit for FanExpo in August. 
I did sell some books, and if any of you who did drop by the booth read this, thanks for dropping by and talking to both Ellie and myself.  We both work hard at our craft and it means a lot for us to see our books go out to readers. 
I was glad that my trade paperback versions came in in time as they were the seller of the day, nto te 6x9, so I think I will retire my 6x9s and sell what on sale.  It was a fun show, the vendors were friendly, we had some come over and chat with us and some of the networking that went on, well that was cool too.
I am now sitting here exhausted on Monday night, surprised I even held it together at work, for doing this kind of thing really leaves one tired, and FanExpo will have longer hours. 
Well I am going to leave it here, with a photo of the Macarena that a group of people, including siesta Spidey did, I will have more insights about what has come out of ConBravo for me in the next entry.  As always, thanks for reading.

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