Friday, May 9, 2014

A Classic Argument, but I'm Right on This One

Alright, I decided to step in it tonight, but then as I am taking a break from writing, to do more writing, well the hell with it, it works for me.  This post is going to return to examine an argument we've all heard for a long time, and well the issues I have with this argument is that both sides are missing the target.  The argument:  Who is better?  Kirk or Picard.
For the love of whatever deity you worship, neither is better.  Picard is a wimp, always has to throw a damned temper tantrum before he even attempts to win something (Star Trek VIII, his temper tantrum where he destroys his little toys).  Hell, I am going to say it:  by far, Picard and the Next Generation series is the worst of the Star Trek Saga Era.  Need I remind you of Wesley Crusher???
The original series, now that is better, but once again, Kirk is not that great of a Captain.  He's a bully, fucks every creature of every colour of the rainbow (OK, in some books, this is good), he can't do anything without pausing in a sentence at every word, he is just a space cowboy with a laser gun.  The only reason the Enterprise even survived was because of Spock and McCoy.   Don't get me wrong, I grew up on this series, and I feel if you were to take a survey, those that like the original series, most likely grew up watching it, and those that like Next Generation, most likely grew up watching it.
So, who is my choice for the best Captain?  It is none other than Captain Benjamin Sisko.  And what are my reasons?  The man is somewhat the reluctant hero, while using his dark side to win a war.  The episode that sticks out in my mind is the one where he is describing how he brought the Romulans into the Dominion War, where he ordered data be forged to give to the Romulans, then his buddy Garak, blows up the ship, with the false data on board and it is believed that the Dominion was responsible and voila, the Romulans are in the war.  Sisko clearly regrets it, but knows that without the Romulans, the war is lost.  Not one of the others would have the balls to go through with this.  So forget Kirk and Picard, Sisko is the best.  And of all the Captains that Star Trek ever offered, Sisko is the one that had the best character development.  Well back to writing, enjoy this little interlude.

 That's right, you heard it, I am the best!!

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