Monday, December 1, 2014

The news today, or lack of actually reporting the news...

What the hell is up with modern media of late?  Have they forgotten what news actually is?  I used to blame it entirely on the fact that it was a slow news day, but of the past few weeks, if that is the case, then there is simply no news.  Let me show you what I mean.

The Toronto Sun today for headlines, out of the 5 possible that first come up on my page, 2 are on sports (for those that know me, don’t ever get me going on sports, as they are used as a means to distract the populace from the real shit going on out there, and I’m sure modern politicians would say they created this, forgetting this is what the Romans used to do), one is about the Ferguson cop, one is about the new Mayor of Toronto’s team, and the final one about something called Nannyville.   It is the last one that irks me the most cause it uses up one of the free views you can have on the Toronto Sun for the month.  I read this last one, I can’t even find a story in there other than it was a bunch of whining.  If this wasn’t a veteran reporter, I’d bet you this guy would never get a job.  Of course go down the page, and you find that the next 6 stories, 4 are of sports and 2 are of something about some supposed celebrities (at the bottom of the page is the big story about Mel B having a girlfriend, who the fuck cares, it’s not like she’s going to be in your house giving you a sex show with this girlfriend, not that you want to see Mel B naked).  There are other Toronto newspapers, but they aren’t any better really, the Toronto Star being no more than a glorified gossip rag, leaving the Globe and Mail to pick up the pieces.

CNN is fun, because they don’t hide what they’re doing.  The amount of time they spent on the missing Malaysian Plane while Obama was doing his thing out of the scene was hilarious.  They were taking up hours of media time, especially on TV, moving around Tony Bourdain’s new show such that I have no idea where it is on anymore.  All for a missing plane.  The fun part I found was that during the tragic shooting up in Ottawa, a US newspaper ran an article, saying how things were so much different in Canadian media.  The big point of the story was how the media interrupted shows on TV, but for only as long as it took to report, do a live update, and then off the TV and back to the regularly scheduled programming.  If that were CNN, fuck they would run for 9 months on this.  I blame part of it on Ronald Regan and who he would do a press conference for hours at a time.  The Gipper just loved being on TV (many of you will probably do not know of the Spitting Image TV show of the 80s where Ronny almost started a nuclear war by ordering a pizza).  Just to be fair, the big stories shown on CNN at 5:53 AM Eastern Standard Time, is one about 4000 flight delays, a really newsworthy piece, but right below is an article about racism and Star Wars, all about, god forbid, the black storm trooper.  As one blogger and fellow writer I read has stated about the new Star Wars trailer, guess they’re not using clones.  And of course, look at the editor’s choices – Ferguson, Football Player dies, Chernobyl (WTF?), FIFA corruption (get used to it, all sports are crooked), Muscle Village, Janay Rice (Who the Fuck is this, and yes Fuck gets capitalized here), the black Storm Trooper (cause we all know Star Wars is real, people get a life!!) and CNN Heroes (not even going to open that one, just can’t do it, nope, too much ammo).  How many of those are useful?  Ferguson, yes, given all the stuff that went down, Chernobyl (must be talking about the Bermuda Triangle gate over it, oh wait that is the book I’m reading, sorry).  Once again more useless news.  I wonder how Emperor Palpatine dealt with racism?  I’d say we ask, but once again, get a life people.

This is why I tune into the Australian News.  They tend to get things right, with the Australian flavor that goes with it, and don’t forget, they live in the future.  With stories such as reporting that People Magazine killed off Kirk Douglas, the stupidest headline ever concerning Australia’s royalty, the Irwins, the best free stuff on the internet, something about Freddie Prinz Jr., a hotel you can stay at for $9200 per night off the coast of England, the black storm trooper (this is going to be a meme), Mel B is a lesbian, and of course, what celebrity just got naked.  The neighbors from hell story, yeah worth it. 

So are we going to see a return to actual news stories in the media?  Not likely.  Our world leaders want to keep us all distracted from what is going on out there.  Only you, and I mean you, can prevent this.  Time to turn off CNN, time to let your rabbit shit, piss and shred those newspapers.  Get rid of your internet newspapers.  Why waste money when you will never get the truth.

As for the black storm trooper, apparently people are up in arms over the fact that the storm troopers are not clones anymore.  Well what do you expect, there is fifty years at least between Star Wars 2 and 7, get a life people.

And of course, because I can....


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